jueves, 14 de junio de 2007

Lady in red..

5 comentarios:

Barb dijo...

You need help

Barb dijo...
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Barb dijo...

Hi again Fredy - that must be it.All of us Canadian are total bores and very rude too. Imagine the nerve of me making a disparraging comment about your art. To explain why I think you may need some help, I looked at all your empty faces and thought, if that how people come across to him then he is in need of some help. Features that are all bloody and melted speak of a disconnect with the beauty in each and every face. Get help please.

Morwenna Catt dijo...

ignore barb and her barbs - youre great , keep going with it - wenna

admin dijo...

I keep looking to see if you have any new work. I love your work. I just want to see more!
I would love to see them in a gallery and own one myself.